Entourage revolves around Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier), a young, up-and-coming actor who eventually becomes an A-list star. His experiences are loosely based on those of Mark Wahlberg, who is also executive producer on the show. His best friend and manager is Eric Murphy (Kevin Connolly). "E", as his friends call him, is based on Wahlberg’s friend and executive producer Eric Weinstein. He’s also been reported to be inspired by Stephen Levinson, Wahlberg’s manager.
Vincent’s older brother Johnny "Drama" Chase (Kevin Dillon), is also Vince’s personal chef and trainer. Johnny is a D-list actor who was in the fictional show Viking Quest during his younger days. His role in the new fictional hit show Five Towns has begun to resurrect his fame and career. This character is based on Johnny "Drama" Alves (cousin of Mark Wahlberg), whom Donnie Wahlberg had hired to keep his younger brother out of trouble.
Rounding out the entourage of friends is Salvatore, known as "Turtle" (Jerry Ferrara), who is another of Vince’s old friends from childhood. Turtle’s official role is as Vince’s driver and assistant, though his value as such is often brought into question. This character is based on Mark Wahlberg’s former "gofer" Donnie Carroll aka "Donkey". Carroll auditioned for the role, but the Boston-native was turned down when it was decided the actors would have to be New Yorkers. Carroll died on December 18, 2005 after an asthma attack.
Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) is Vince’s abrasive but lovable agent. The role has led to several nominations and Emmy Awards for Piven. Ari is based on Wahlberg’s real-life agent Ari Emanuel.
Kevin Connolly, Adrian Grenier, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara, and Jeremy Piven have been credited in every episode in the opening credits since season one. Debi Mazar who had a recurring guest star role as Shauna in season 1 began to receive opening credits billing in season 2. Her appearances in season 3 were limited due to her pregnancy and Mazar made her final regular appearance in episode 42. She made appearances in seasons 4, 5 and 6, Mazar was credited as a special guest star. (Perrey Reeves) Mrs. Ari and (Rex Lee) Lloyd had recurring roles in the first two seasons. Starting in season three, Reeves and Lee were credited as "starring" in the end credits in the episodes that they appeared in. After Debi Mazar left on maternity leave, Reeves began to receive in the opening credits starting in season 4 replacing Mazar’s credit, and is now credited whether she appears in the episode or not. Rex Lee’s name also now appears in the opening credits as of season 5 whether he appears in the episode or not. Also In season 4, Rhys Coiro’s recurring character Billy Walsh was given a bigger role in the storyline, and Coiro was credited as "starring" in the first six episodes of the season. However, when his character returned in episode 52, he was again credited as a guest star. Gary Cole guest starred in three episodes of season 5 as agent Andrew Klein, beginning with season 6 he was credited as "starring" in the end credits. Canadian actress Emmanuelle Chriqui has portrayed E’s on-again, off-again girlfriend Sloan McQuewick (daughter of Malcolm McDowell’s character Terrance McQuewick) as a recurring guest star from season 2 to 5, beginning with season 6 she was credited as "starring".
Recurring characters
Entourage features many recurring characters. Sometimes these characters are played by celebrities such as Malcolm McDowell as Terrance McQuewick while other celebrities, such as Mandy Moore and Seth Green appear as parodies of themselves.
Guests and cameos
Entourage typically has at least one celebrity guest per episode. Appearances include Ali Larter, Sara Foster, Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, Luke Wilson, Kanye West, Michael Phelps, Martin Scorsese, Gary Busey, Snoop Dogg, Scarlett Johansson, Larry David, Jessica Alba, as well as many others.
Source : Wikipedia
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August 19, 2009
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