Smallville (TV series)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, searchSmallville | |
Intertitle | |
Genre | Action/Adventure/Sci-fi |
Created by | Characters: Jerry Siegel Joe Shuster |
Developed by | Alfred Gough Miles Millar |
Starring | see below |
Opening theme | "Save Me" by Remy Zero |
Composer(s) | Mark Snow |
Country of origin | ![]() |
Language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 7 |
No. of episodes | 152 (List of episodes) |
Production | |
Executive producer(s) |
Alfred Gough Miles Millar Mike Tollin Brian Robbins Joe Davola Ken Horton Greg Beeman |
Location(s) | British Columbia, Canada |
Running time | approx. 42 minutes |
Broadcast | |
Original channel | The WB (2001-2006) The CW (2006-present) |
Picture format | 480i (SDTV), 1080i (HDTV) |
Original run | October 16, 2001 - present |
Chronology | |
Related shows | Aquaman Birds of Prey |
External links | |
Official website | |
IMDb profile | | summary |
Smallville adalah serial televisi Amerika yang dikembangkan oleh penulis/produser Alfred Gough dan Miles Millar, dan pada awalnya di tayangkan oleh The WB. Setelah season kelima, the WB dan UPN bergabung menjadi The CW, sebuah broadcaster baru untuk pertunjukkan di AS. Smallville di tayangkan pertama kali pada 16 Oktober 2001, dan mengakhiri penayangan season ketujuhnya pada 15 Mei 2008. Season ke-8 secara resmi diumumkan oleh The CW pada 3 Maret 2008. Smallville difilmkan di dalam dan di sekitar Vancouver, British Columbia, Kanada.
Plot cerita mengikuti pertualangan kehidupan Clark Kent muda di kota fiksi Smallville, Kansas, selama bertahun-tahun sebelum dia menjadi Superman. Empat season awal difokuskan pada Clark dan teman-temannya di SMA. Sejak season kelima, serial ini diubah dalam setting yang lebih dewasa, dengan beberapa karakter mulai berkuliah. Season yang baru-baru ditayangkan terlihat peningkatan dalam upaya mengenalkan buku komik DC mengenai superheroes dan penjahat lainnya .
Smallville menjadi inspirasi dalam pilot film serial Aquaman, dimana akhirnya tidak ditayangkan oleh jaringan The CW,padahal promosinya menggandeng Verizon,Sprint,Toyota,Stride. Serial ini menelurkan novel serial untuk kaum muda, buku komik DC dan release soundtrack. Pertunjukkan ini memecahkan rekor debut dengan rating tertinggi untuk acara yang ditayangkan The WB,dengan jumlah penonton mencapai 8,4 juta saat episode pilotnya diluncurkan.
Sejarah Singkat
Sebenarnya, Tollin/Robbins Productions ingin membuat film serial mengenai Bruce Wayne muda. Divisi Film Feature Warner Bros, telah memutuskan untuk mengembangkan film asli Batman, dan, karena mereka tidak ingin bersaing dengan serial televisi, menolak ide tentang film serial ini. Di tahun 2000, Tollin/Robins mendekati Peter Roth, presiden Warner Bros Television, mengenai persoalan pengembangan film serial berdasarkan kisah Superman Muda. Pada tahun yang sama, Alfred Gough dan Miles Millar mengembangkan sebuah film percobaan berdasarkan film Eraser. Setelah melihat film percobaan ini,Roth mendekati kedua orang ini dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan film pilot kedua,bedasarkan konsep Superman muda yang dibawakannya. Setelah pertemuan dengan Roth, Gough dan Miles Millar memutuskan bahwa mereka tidak ingin membuat film serial yang terdapat banyak adegan terbang,dan kostum berjubah. Di sana mereka mengembangkan aturan " tidak ada pakaian ketat, tidak ada adegan terbang", berjanji bahwa Clark tidak akan, dalam hal apapun, terbang atau memakai pakaian ketat selama film serial ini dibuat.
Gough dan Millar ingin untuk "menelanjangi" Superman ke " isi aslinya" dan melihat alasan dibalik kenapa Clark menjadi Superman. Gough dan Millar merasa fakta bahwa mereka bukanlah penggemar buku komik justru membantu mereka. Karena tidak begitu familliar dengan dunia komik membuat mereka memiliki pendekatan yang tidak memihak terhadap film serial. Hal ini bukan berarti mereka tidak mempelajari karakter-karakter yang ada; mereka berdua melakukan penelitian terhadap komik-komik Superman dan mengambil dan mengubahnya sesuai yang mereka suka. Mereka kembali dan melemparkan ide mereka di hadapan the WB dan FOX dalam hari yang sama. Terjadilah perang tawar-menawar di antara FOX dan the WB, dimana the WB memenangkan kesepakatan untuk menayangkan 13 episode awal.
Roth, Gough, dan Millar tahu bahwa pertunjukkan akan tetap berorientasi pada aksi, tetapi mereka menginginkan untuk mampu mencapai " ikonografi pertengahan Amerika" yang 7th Heaven telah raih. Untuk membantu menciptakan atmosfer ini, tim ini memutuskan untuk menjadikan "hujan meteor" yang membawa Clark ke bumi akan menjadi dasar dari franchise untuk pertunjukkan ini. Tidak hanya sumber utama dibalik dunia makhluk-makhluk super power yang harus Clark lawan,tetapi juga kejadian-kejadian ironis dalam kehidupan Clark. Hujan meteor akan memberikan kepadanya kehidupan di bumi, tapi juga mengambil kehidupan kedua orang tua gadis yang dia cintai,dan juga awal dari perjalanan Lex Luthor ke dalam kegelapan, berkat kehilangan rambutnya selama hujan meteor. Roth suka konflik yang diciptakan untuk Clark, memaksanya untuk menghadapi fakta bahwa kedatangannya adalah penyebab semua luka yang ada.
Masalah lain yang dihadapi para pencipta Smallville ini adalah kenapa Lex Luthor ingin menghabiskan waktu dengan anak-anak remaja. Mereka memutuskan untuk menciptakan perasaan kesepian dalam karakter Lex Luthor, yang mereka rasa akan membuat Lex perlu memuaskan rasa itu dengan bergaul dengan para remaja. Rasa kesepian ini menggema juga dalam pribadi Clark dan Lana. Gough dan Millar menginginkan karakter paralel dengan keluarga Kent (Jon dan Martha), jadi mereka menciptakan Lionel Luthor, ayah Lex, yang mereka lihat sebagai karakter yang "sangat berpengalaman dalam menjadi orang tua dengan cara-cara ekstrim". Gough dan Millar ingin pasangan Kent yang lebih muda, karena mereka merasa mereka (pasangan Kent) diperlukan dalam mengembangkan kehidupan Clark,dan menolongnya menjalani perjalanannya. Chole Sullivan, karakter lain diciptakan hanya untuk film serial ini, dalam arti dia adalah "orang luar" yang film serial ini butuhkan. Gough dan Millar merasa sebuah karakter ini penting sehingga ada seseorang yang memperhatikan adanya keanehan dalam Smallvlle. Dia dimaksudkan sebagai perintis jalan untuk Lois Lane.
Konsep Smallville dideskripsikan oleh Warner Brothers sebagai reinterpretasi dari mitologi Superman dari akarny. Sejak november 2004 reakusisi Superboy oleh keluarga Siegel, muncul perdebatan mengenai kemungkinan pelanggaran hak cipta. Pertikaian ini meliputi kepemilikan kota fiksi Smallville, penempatan judul dalam film serial itu dan klaim adanya kemiripan antara gelar karakter Superboy dan Clark Kent di Smallville. Pewaris Jerry Siegel mengklaim "Smallville adalah bagian dalam hak cipta Superboy" yang haknya dimiliki oleh Jerry Siegel.
Pada 3 April 2008, setelah tujuh season bersama film serial ini, Alfred Gough dan Milles Millar mengeluarkan pernyataan kepada publik bahwa mereka akan meninggalkan film serial ini. Para pengembang ini, setelah berterima kasih kepada para pemeran dan kru atas semua kerja keras mereka, mengakui bahwa mereka tidak akan pernah berhenti bertengkar untuk apa yang mereka lihat sebagai "visi mereka" untuk film serial ini. Alasan spesifik mengapa mereka meninggalkan film serial ini tidak mereka umumkan.
Smallville (TV series)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, searchSmallville | |
Intertitle | |
Genre | Action/Adventure/Sci-fi |
Created by | Characters: Jerry Siegel Joe Shuster |
Developed by | Alfred Gough Miles Millar |
Starring | see below |
Opening theme | "Save Me" by Remy Zero |
Composer(s) | Mark Snow |
Country of origin | ![]() |
Language(s) | English |
No. of seasons | 7 |
No. of episodes | 152 (List of episodes) |
Production | |
Executive producer(s) |
Alfred Gough Miles Millar Mike Tollin Brian Robbins Joe Davola Ken Horton Greg Beeman |
Location(s) | British Columbia, Canada |
Running time | approx. 42 minutes |
Broadcast | |
Original channel | The WB (2001-2006) The CW (2006-present) |
Picture format | 480i (SDTV), 1080i (HDTV) |
Original run | October 16, 2001 - present |
Chronology | |
Related shows | Aquaman Birds of Prey |
External links | |
Official website | |
IMDb profile | | summary |
Smallville is an American television series developed by writer/producers Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, and was initially broadcast by The WB. After its fifth season, the WB and UPN merged to form The CW, which is the current broadcaster for the show in the United States.[1] Smallville premiered on October 16, 2001, and completed its seventh season on May 15, 2008.[2] An eighth season was officially announced by The CW on March 3, 2008.[3] It is filmed in and around Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
The plot follows the adventures of a young Clark Kent’s life in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, during the years before he becomes Superman. The first four seasons focused on Clark and his friends’ high school years. Since season five, the show has ventured into more adult settings, with some characters attending college. Recent seasons have seen an increase in the introductions of other DC comic book superheroes and villains.
Smallville inspired an Aquaman spin-off pilot, which was not picked up by The CW network, as well as promotional tie-ins with Verizon, Sprint, Toyota, Stride. In other media, the show has spawned a series of young-adult novels, a DC Comics comic book and soundtrack releases. The show broke the record for highest rated debut for The WB, with 8.4 million viewers tuning in for its pilot episode.[4]
Brief History
Originally, Tollin/Robbins Productions wanted to do a show about a young Bruce Wayne. The feature film division of Warner Bros. had decided to develop an origin movie for Batman, and, because they didn’t want to compete with a television series, had the television series idea nixed.[5] In 2000, Tollin/Robbins approached Peter Roth, the President of Warner Bros. Television, about developing a series based on a young Superman. That same year, Alfred Gough and Miles Millar developed a pilot based on the film Eraser. After watching the pilot, Roth approached the two men about developing a second pilot, based on the young Superman concept that was brought to him.[5] After meeting with Roth, Gough and Millar decided that they didn’t want to do a series where there was lots of flying, and a cape.[5] It was here that they developed a "no tights, no flights" rule, vowing Clark would not, at any point, fly or don the suit during the run of the show.[6]Gough and Millar wanted to strip Superman down to his "bare essence", and see the reasons behind why Clark became Superman.[5] Gough and Millar felt the fact that they were not comic book fans played into their favor. Not being familiar with the universe would allow them an unbiased approach to the series. This didn’t keep them from learning about the characters; they both did research on the comics and picked and rearranged what they liked.[5] They returned and pitched their idea to both the WB and FOX in the same day.[7] A bidding war ensued between FOX and the WB, which the WB won with a commitment of 13 episodes to start.[7]
Roth, Gough, and Millar knew the show was going to be action oriented, but they wanted to be able to reach that "middle America iconography" that 7th Heaven had reached. To help create this atmosphere, the team decided the meteor shower that brings Clark to Earth would be the foundation for the franchise of the show. Not only does it act as the primary source behind the creation of the super powered beings that Clark must fight, but it acts as a sense of irony in Clark’s life. The meteor shower would give him a life on Earth, but it would also take away the parents of the girl he loves, and start Lex Luthor down a dark path, thanks to the loss of his hair during the shower. Roth loved the conflict that was created for Clark, in forcing him to deal with the fact that his arrival is what caused all of this pain.[5]
Another problem the creators had to address was why Lex Luthor would be hanging out with a bunch of teenagers. They decided to create a sense of loneliness in the character of Lex Luthor, which they felt would require him to reach out to the teens.[5] The loneliness was echoed in Clark and Lana as well.[8] Gough and Millar wanted to provide a parallel to the Kents, so they created Lionel Luthor, Lex’s father, which they saw as the "experiment in extreme parenting".[5] Gough and Millar wanted a younger Kent couple, because they felt they needed to be able to be involved in Clark’s life, and help him through his journey.[8] Chloe Sullivan, another character created just for the show, was meant to be the "outsider" the show needed. Gough and Millar felt the character was necessary so someone would notice the weird happenings in Smallville.[5] She was meant to act as a "precursor to Lois Lane".[8]
The concept of Smallville has been described by Warner Brothers as being a reinterpretation of the Superman mythology from its roots. Since the November 2004 reacquisition of Superboy by the Siegel family, there has arisen contention regarding a possible copyright infringement. The dispute is over ownership of the fictional town of Smallville, title setting of the show, and a claimed similarity between Superboy’s title character and Smallville’s Clark Kent. The heirs of Jerry Siegel claim "Smallville is part of the Superboy copyright", of which the Siegels own the rights.[9]
On April 3, 2008, after seven seasons with the show, Alfred Gough and Miles Millar issued a public statement that they would be leaving the show. The developers, after thanking the cast and crew for all their hard work, acknowledged that they never stopped fighting for what they saw as "their vision" of the show. A specific reason for their departure was not given.[10]
to be continued...
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