Are there any connection between Supernatural (TV Series) and Christianity ?
I am one of Supernatural’s fan. Something that I like from that show is because they have beautiful guest stars from any type of women. And the funniest and light environment on this show. Some episodes are very scary but some of them are very funny (although still around on Supernatural phenomena). Be sides the family’s values on this TV Series.
But, when it comes to serious things like symbols, rituals etc, sorry I have to say the truth. As a Christian, I like to comparing the elements on Supernatural like symbols, rituals, evil spirits, live after dead etc on Christian’s viewpoints. So, if you are not a Christian and doesn’t want to know anything about Christianity, you may leave this page. But, if you are open minded and interesting in new knowledge whether you believe it or not, you may accompany me.
I don’t have any intention to harm Supernatural’s fans. This articles just my way to confide everything that turns up when I watch Supernatural.
But, when it comes to serious things like symbols, rituals and etc, sorry I have to say the truth. As a Christian, I like to comparing the elements on Supernatural like symbols, rituals, evil spirits, live after dead and etc on Christian’s viewpoints. So, if you are not a Christian and doesn’t want to know anything about Christianity, you may leave this page. But, if you are open minded and interesting in new knowledge whether you believe it or not, you may accompany me.
I don’t have any intention to harm Supernatural’s fans. This articles just my way to confide everything that turn up when I watch Supernatural.

Supernatural : On season 3 Episode 4 Sin City, there are beautiful girl (if I not wrong her name Casey) who possessed by demon. She and Dean goes to Casey’s basement to doing whatever they want to. Actually, Dean knew that Casey possessed by nameless demon. In sum, Dean and Casey trapped on the basement and have a little talk.
Casey revealed if on the demon’s world, they believe on Lucifer. The ancestor of demons. The first of demons. The Satan. Actually, Casey said, Lucifer is an angel but because he refused take a bow in front of human so God banished him. The reason Lucifer refused to bow is because he thinks human doesn’t deserves it. Casey said that Lucifer meant "light bringing".
Christian : Yes, indeed. Lucifer meant "light bringing" but he has another meaning : morning star or on Bible "Eastern Star". He was one of angel’s headman. Be sides him, there are Gabriel (God Messenger to men), Mikhail /Michael ( A Headman of War’s Angels). Lucifer itself was a Headman of Praise and Worship’s angels. He was very beautiful. One of God’s favored angel but he became arrogant. And thought that he could replaced God’s position. So, the why he banished by God because he invited others to rebel to God and not because he refused to take a bow to human. In that time, human still doesn’t exist yet. God banished him and his followers to the Earth. (Read Isaiah 14 : 11-15 for further information ).

Supernatural : Pentagram is one of recurring symbols on Supernatural. It’s become sign that there are any spiritual activity or demon’s involvement. So whenever the Winchester find any pentagram symbol, they presume that on that site there are demons that have to exorcist.
Christian : On science branch of occultism in Christianity, pentagram referred to Lucifer’s symbol. It means Dawn Star. It is one of forbidden symbol to Christian. Whether we know or not know it mean, there are not allowed for us to have the symbol. Having it referred on Christ’s blasphemy.
Ankh Symbols

Supernatural : There was an episode about urban legend on small city. That a farmer killed his daughters than he committed to suicided. Some teenage use the farmer’s house as an initiation place and reported about farmer ghost’s appearance. And with that some female teens found by her friends (on initiation) swing in that house. When Dean and Sam investigated the house, they not found anything.
But on the second investigation, they found pentagram and some symbols. They found about one symbol that looks like very familiar to Sam, but he forgot about it. The symbol is ankh.
Christian : Ankh is an object or design resembling a cross with a loop instead of the top arm, used on the ancient Egypt as a symbol of life. It also referred on the symbol of Sun god, Ra and as a symbol of sex orgies. So, the symbol including on forbidden symbols on Christianity. It become one of occultism symbols like pentagram. Having it referred Christ’s blasphemy.
Holly Water
Supernatural : Holly Water is one of demon’s repellent elements. I don’t know exactly how the Winchester or the hunters get the holly waters. If not wrong, they put a cross on water and it becomes holly water. Every demons or people who possessed by demons will be burned if they splashed on it. So, it becomes an effective way to test are you are human, human who possessed by demons or demons it self.
Christian : It maybe different from Catholic. But, there are no holly water. In fact, in Christian exorcism we believe that actually there are no things or places on the Earth that can hurt or retain demons. Water become holly and can repellent demons not because we put a cross on it but if with a faith on Jesus, we pray and ask Jesus to sanctify it. And this apply to all things. In fact, instead water Christian prefer olive oil to sanctify and be one of demon’s repellent. Of course, because a faith on Jesus.

Supernatural : Although the Winchesters are not believers but they often use cross as one of demon’s repellent. Actually there are lot of movies which use cross as one of demon’s repellent. On The Exorcist, the main character use the cross to exorcist the demon. And when demons touched it, they burned and hurt.
Christian : Cross actually referred a spiritual symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice to redeem human from eternal punishment. As cross is form of punishment that God elected. It referred on Jewish Law that crucified as most condemned and embarrassing. So, put a cross in your house or your door not keeping demons away from your properties. And can’t make you invulnerable on demon’s attack. Look on Holly Water section about Christian view point about exorcism and things.
Full Moon
Supernatural : There are some rituals that it seems has to do on Full Moon. Or some demons do activities on or waiting Full Moon. Like on Season 3 Episode 2. When the demon will finished eat life energies of the victim on the full moon. Or Season 3 Episode 3 when the rabbit feet burn on some ritual on full moon night.
Christian : It revealed on a research and interview with the former of Satan’s worshipper on some books that indeed the demon followers do their rituals on the full moon night. It not explain why. For further information about it read Rebecca Brown’s book (Rebecca Brown is one of God’s Servant most famous which her field of attendance is in helping former Satan’s worshippers or demon’s followers.
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