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Thomas John Patrick Welling (born April 26, 1977) is an American actor, director, and former male fashion model, most famous for playing Clark Kent on the current television series Smallville. Other well-known film roles include Charlie Baker in Cheaper by the Dozen and Cheaper by the Dozen 2 and Nick Castle in the 2005 remake of The Fog.
Welling was born in Putnam Valley, New York, the son of a now retired General Motors executive father and a homemaker mother. He has two older sisters, Rebecca and Jamie, and a younger brother, Mark, who is also an actor. His father’s job required frequent relocation, and Welling’s family moved from Putnam Valley, New York to Janesville, Wisconsin, then to Hockessin, Delaware, until finally settling in Okemos, Michigan early in his junior year of high school. Active in several team sports including baseball and basketball, Welling was also a third string soccer goalkeeper. He graduated from Okemos High School in 1995, and then worked in construction while continuing to live with his parents.
In 1998, Welling was discovered by a catalogue camera scout at a party in Nantucket who suggested he try modeling. In 2000, Welling relocated to Los Angeles where he modeled for Tommy Hilfiger, Abercrombie & Fitch, Calvin Klein and other print ad campaigns, while pursuing an acting career. He appeared in some commercials and a music video.[1] Welling’s first major acting role was as karate teacher Rob Meltzer, a younger love interest of Amy Brenneman on the CBS series Judging Amy that aired in 2001. Welling also had a small role in UPN’s Special Unit 2 and also appeared in the debut episode of the FOX sitcom Undeclared. He was cast in series Smallville after a nationwide search for the actor to play Clark Kent. Smallville explored the early years of Clark growing up in the times before he becomes Superman. The Pilot aired in October of 2001 and became the highest rated debut for The WB, with 8.4 million viewers.[2] He told TV Guide that he originally turned down the lead role twice, but after reading the script, decided to take the job. Like Christopher Reeve, he was not a big Superman fan prior to being cast as Clark Kent, and in fact continues not to read Superman comics. He was named one of People magazine’s Breakthrough Stars of 2001 and also won the Teen Choice Award as Choice Breakout Star (Male) in 2002 for his role as Clark.[3] The 100th episode of Smallville aired in January of 2006 and the series has just ended its seventh season.
In December 2003, Welling played Charlie Baker, the oldest son in a family of 12 children in the film Cheaper by the Dozen, a remake of the 1950 original. The film also starred Steve Martin and Hilary Duff. In 2005 Welling appeared in two other films as well. He played Nick Castle in The Fog which was a remake of John Carpenter’s 1980 film. He also reprised his role as Charlie Baker in Cheaper by the Dozen 2. Despite internet rumors, Welling was not considered for the part of Superman in the 2006 film Superman Returns. [4] Welling also marked his directorial debut in 2006, with the season five episode of Smallville, Fragile. He directed a second episode during season six - Hydro and a third episode during the seventh season- Apocalypse. In April 2007, it was reported that Welling had signed on for an 8th season of Smallville. He also played Bizarro and a young Jor-El in Smallville.
Welling married his long time girlfriend Jamie on July 5, 2002, in Martha’s Vineyard, after a four year relationship. He currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife. During the filming of Smallville, however, he stays in Vancouver. [5]
Thomas John Pactrick Welling (lahir 26 April 1977) adalah aktor Amerika, sutradara, dan bekas model pria, lebih dikenal karena memerankan Clark Kent di serial televisi Smallville. Juga dikenal karena perannya sebagai Charlie Barker di film Cheaper by the Dozen dan Cheaper by the Dozen 2 dan sebagai Nick Castle di film remake tahun 2005 The Fog.
Welling lahir di Putnam Valley, New York, putra dari eksekutif General Motors yang sekarang pensiun dan ibunya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Dia mempunyai dua kakak perempuan, Rebecca dan Jamie, dan seorang adik laki-laki, Mark, yang juga seorang aktor. Pekerjaan ayahnya membuat mereka berpindah-pindah dari Putnam Valley, New York, , ke , lalu Janesville, Wisconsin, kemudian ke Hockessin, Delaware, sampai akhirnya menetap di Okemos, Michigan saat dia mulai menginjak kelas satu SMA. Dia aktif dalam beberapa tim olahraga meliputi baseball dan bola basket. Welling juga kiper lapisan ketiga dalam tim sepakbola. Dia lulus dari Okemos High School di 1995, lalu bekerja di bidang konstruksi sembari tetap tinggal bersama orang tuanya.
Di 1998, Welling ditemukan oleh pencari bakat di sebuah pesta di Nantucket yang menyarankan dia mencoba modelling. Di 2000, Welling pindah ke Los Angeles di mana dia menjadi model untuk Tommy Hilfiger, Abercrombie & Fitch, Calvin Klein dan iklan cetak lain, sembari mengejar karier di bidang akting. Dia muncul dalam beberapa iklan dan video musik. Peran besar pertama Welling adalah sebagai guru karate, Rob Meltzer, orang yang ditaksir Amy Brenneman muda dalam serial CBS Judging Amy yang ditayangkan di 2001. Welling juga mendapat peran-peran kecil dalam serial UPN Special Unit 2 dan juga tampil dalam episode awal sitkom Undeclared yang ditayangkan FOX. Dia dikasting dalam film serial Smallville setelah pencarian nasional untuk aktor yang akan memerankan Clark Kent. Smallvile menjelajahi tahun-tahun awal dari pertumbuhan Clark sebelum dia menjadi Superman. Pilot-nya ditayangkan pada Oktober 2001 dan mendapat rating tertinggi untuk The WB, dengan penonton sebanyak 8,4 juta. Dia mengaku kepada TV Guide bahwa dia menolak peran utama tersebut dua kali, tapi setelah membaca naskahnya, memutuskan untuk mengambil peran ini. Seperti Christopher Reeve, dia bukanlah penggemar utama Superman sebelum memerankan Clark Kent, dan faktanya berlanjut bahwa dia tidak membaca komik Superman. Dia digelari oleh majalah People dengan gelar Breakthrough Stars of 2001 dan juga memenangkan Teen Choice Award untuk Choice Breakout Star (Male) di 2002 untuk perannya sebagai Clark. Episode keseratus Smallville ditayangkan di Januari 2006 dan season ketujuhnya baru saja berakhir.
Pada Desember 2003, Welling memerankan Charlie Baker, putera kedua dalam keluarga dengan 12 anak dalam film Cheaper by the Dozen, film remake dari film aslinya tahun 1950. Film ini juga dibintangi Steve Martin dan Hilary Duff. Pada 2000 Welling tampil dalam dua film lain. Dia berperan sebagai Nick Castle dalam The Fog yang merupakan film remake dari film tahun 1980 karya John Carpenter. Dia juga memerankan Charlie Baker untuk kedua kalinya pada Cheaper by the Dozen 2. Welling membuat debut pertama penyutradaraan di 2006, dalam season kelima Smallville episode Fragile. Dia kali kedua menjadi sutradara dalam season keenam episode Hydro dan ketiga kalinya selama season ketujuh episode Apocalypse. Di April 2007, dilaporkan bahwa Welling menandatangani kontrak untuk season kedelapan Smallville. Dia juga memerankan Bizzaro dan Jor-El muda di Smallville.


Welling menikah dengan kekasihnya Jamie White pada 5 Juli 2002 di Martha’s Vineyard, setelah berpacaran selama empat tahun. Dia baru-baru ini tinggal di Los Angeles dengan istrinya. Akan tetapi selama syuting Smallville dia tinggal di Vancouver.
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