Erica Durance as Lois Lane


Erica Durance

Erica Durance bergabung dalam serial Smallville sejak season keempat, dan telah tampil sebanyak 13 episode dalam setiap season sejak dia muncul.

Dia juga muncul dengan nama Erica Parker, dia telah muncul dalam episode Andromeda, Tru Calling, dan The Chris Isaak Show. Dia juga tampil dalam film "House of the Dead."

" Dari semua peran utama wanita dalam komik, Lois Lane selalu menjadi favoriteku karena dia sangat terlibat,"katanya dalam wawancara dengan New York Post. "Dia juga selalu sangat terlibat dalam apapun yang terjadi-dia selalu mendapat sesuatu, dia selalu berada di lokasi kejadian, suka berpikir dan semacam pahlawan dalam caranya sendiri."

Penampilan Erica dapat dijumpai dalam :

Serial Televisi : Andromeda, Stargate SG-1, The Chris Isaak Show, Tru Calling

Film Lepas : House of Dead,The Butterfly Effect 2

Film Lepas yang akan dibintanginya : Ecstacy


Erica Durance joined Smallville in the fourth season, and has appeared in 13 episodes of every season ever since.

Also sometimes credited as Erica Parker, she has appeared in episodes of Andromeda, Tru Calling, and The Chris Isaak Show. She was also in the movie "House of the Dead."

"Of all the different female leads in comics, Lois Lane was always my favorite because she was so involved," she said in a New York Post interview. "She was always so involved in everything going on รข€” she’s a go-getter, she was really in there, quite tough and kind of a hero in her own right."

Previous Credits: (Televisionon) Andromeda, Stargate SG-1, The Chris Isaak Show, Tru Calling, (Movies) House of the Dead, The Butterfly Effect 2

Upcoming Credits: (Movies) Ecstacy


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