Trans7 changed The Vampire Diaries schedule


New Schedule for The Vampire Diaries

I almost write something bad about Trans7 after I knew there was a new show that replaced The Vampire Diaries schedule on Sunday,  October 10, 2010 and that there was another talk show replaced it on Saturday. Luckily, I don't have to. It would be really suck if Trans7 canceled The Vampire Diaries just only after it had aired for five episodes.

Yesterday, The Vampire Diaries aired on October 10, 2010 on 23.30 WIB. It was sixth episode "Lost Girls".  So, it seems Trans7 replaced the schedule from 22.30 into 23.30 every Sunday. Is it fixed schedule? I don't know. Don't ask me. If we are talking about Indonesian Broadcast Networks, I'm completely don't know. Just stay tune, and let's see what will happen.

Video promo for seventh episode "Haunted" :


  1. Indah Light said...:

    It seems like The Vampire Diaries is some kind of a "substitute show" for trans7... If they have a new program or TV show, they will replace it with the new program... And that sucks because I'm a fan of TVD...

  1. Tim said...:

    @Indah Light
    Well, I hope not. I think they decide to air TVD because they know that it's one of popular TV Series today. If they cancel it and replace with the other, it's suicide action.
    Because after that, we'll remember Trans7 as one of unprofessional TV channel. I really hope there are no tv channels that would air any TV Series if they can't finish it, at least for one season.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    malam ini kok g muter y??????? kacau jadwalnya...!!

  1. Tim said...:

    kelihatannya sekarang ditayangkan setiap Minggu jam 23.30. tapi itu masih kemungkinan. Tunggu saja hari Minggu besok jam 23.30 setelah acara The Casting

  1. Meidysa Yuanda said...:
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  1. Anonymous said...:

    apa2an coba trans7 ne?!mn vampire diaries nya kok ga da lg seh!dah nunggu drtd jg!tw gini mending tidur aja gw!!:(

  1. Tim said...:

    yah, maklum aja..kita kan tahu sifat dan cara2nya stasiun televisi kita. Jujur saja, saya gak tahu lagi harus komentar apa lagi. Saya sama2 tidak berdayanya dengan teman-teman yang lain. Supaya teman-teman tidak buang-buang waktu menunggu, cobalah check jadwal acara yang dimuat di situs resmi mereka setiap ingin memastikan apakah suatu acara akan ditayangkan atau tidak. Biasanya akurat.

  1. Anonymous said...:

    yeah and it seems trans7 will no longer aired the show... don't know why... just like they did with Supernatural... screw...

  1. adiko said...:

    the vampire diaries kgk tyg lg!!
    pnonton kcewa brat ama trans7
    udah bla2in bgadng,mlh kgk tyg
    dmi nnton mlam minggu pun di batasi
    eehh mlh kgk tyg..!!
    sumpah kcewa brat, pengen bnting brang2
    tlg dong trans7, tyngin lg sprti sedia kla
    sptu dn mnggu

  1. arga said...:

    trans7 kgk care bgt sih
    msk the vampire diaries,kgk tyg lg
    ap sih mslah ny
    pnonton kcewa bgt sumpahh deh!!
    plies dong trans7,tyngin lgi
    dmi kbaikan pnonton stia mu

  1. zola said...:

    the vampire diaries kgk tyg lg!!
    aduhh kcewa bgt ma trns7
    aku fans brat trans7, tpi skrg aku kcewa
    krna T.V.D kgk tyg
    udh 3 mnngu nunguin,mlh acra lain yg tyg
    aduuhhh gmn sih trans7 gw tteeerrrciinnttaaaaa
    what happend with you???

  1. wella hanss said...:

    sumpah gw sebel bgt ma trans7
    udh belabelain bgadang bwt nnton the vampire diaries
    eeehhh mlh kgk tyg..
    pliese trns7 tynin lg dong
    biar gw kgk sebel l sma kmu
    kmu bkin fans brat kmu kcewa!!
    mdah2an trans7 nyangin lgi .. aamminnnnn..

  1. Tim said...:

    @Zola, Arga, Wella, Adiko
    Yang kalian ungkapkan juga mewakili perasaan saya, he 3x. Coba aja cari DVD-nya..ada kok. Mending nonton DVD-nya. Tidak ada salah terjemahan, tidak ada adegan yang disensor..dan kalian bisa nonton berulang-ulang, sebanyak yang kalian mau.

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